aimeekate16NLC Common Words Stage 1(1)Flashcards that go along with the North Lanarkshire Phonics scheme.
aimeekate16CVC Matching Cards Activity(1)Print and cut along lines. Children read the word and find the matching picture, then can check if it correct by seeing if they fit together.
aimeekate16Literacy Fast Finishers(0)Pencil-themed Literacy fast finishers. Can be hole punched and made into a fan.
aimeekate16Desk Name Alphabet Numberline - Editable(0)Alphabet and Numberline Desk Labels, can be edited to include childrens names.
aimeekate16CVC Matching Game with pictures(0)CVC Matching game Match the pictures and read the words.
aimeekate16Common Word Matching/ Memory Game(0)This game includes the words; are dad not, your by only and have just to.
aimeekate16Which phoneme will win?(0)Pupils roll a phoneme dice, and write over the dotted phonemes to practice formation. Can be edited to suit other phonemes.
aimeekate16Winter Blending for hwjv sounds.(0)Powerpoint with cvc words focusing on the phonemes ‘h’ ‘w’ ‘j’ ‘v’.
aimeekate16b or d - Which phoneme will win?(0)Roll b and d dice and trace letters, which phoneme will be complete first? Game for practicing tricky letters and formation.
aimeekate16b is for butterfly craft(0)b is for butterfly craft For primary 1 learning initial sounds.